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It is possible to repair a relationship, but only if you are both willing to do the hard work necessary to repair and reattach to each other. You can’t undertake this journey without being truthful and heartbreakingly vulnerable with your partner. The path toward forgiveness is paved through talk, connection and apology. What do you do when you know you still love someone and you know she still loves you, but the betrayal and actions of both parties were so great that forgiveness isn’t even an option?ĭEAR SAD: Forgiveness is always an option. Ultimately, you may choose to discuss this with your brother, to put it in perspective and - if necessary - explain and apologize for your part. You should discuss this with a therapist.

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Your father’s choice to expose you to pornography normalized behavior in your home that should not be normalized among children.Īs the older sibling, you might have initiated this behavior - or as you got older, you might have realized it was wrong and now feel guilty that you either started it or didn’t put a stop to it sooner. You were acting out adult sexual behavior that you were seeing in your home. You and your brother violated an ancient taboo without realizing it - because you were children.

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